Auto Chess Cute Version - Part 2

The world of Auto Chess gets even cuter as Ichsan Marifat continues to enchant players with their cute art version. In Part 2 of their series, they introduce five more chess pieces transformed into lovable characters: Sky Breaker, The Source, Unicorn, Defector, and Frost Knight. But the excitement doesn't end there! Players are invited to share their suggestions for the next chess piece to receive the adorable treatment.

Auto Chess Cute Version - Part 2. source : private property.

  • Sky Breaker: Witness the cuteness soar as the mighty Sky Breaker takes on a whole new adorable form. Bangwee's art brings this powerful chess piece to life with irresistible charm and appeal.
  • source : private property.

  • The Source: Prepare to be enchanted by The Source's cute art version. Bangwee's attention to detail and whimsical style breathe new life into this essential chess piece, adding a touch of magic to the Auto Chess board.
  • The Source, source : private property.

  • Unicorn: Immerse yourself in the magical realm of Auto Chess with the adorable Unicorn. Bangwee's cute art version captures the essence of this mystical creature, turning it into a beloved companion on the chessboard.
  • Unicorn, source : private property.

  • Defector: Even the most formidable warriors can be cute in Bangwee's art style. The Defector becomes an endearing character, combining strength with undeniable cuteness. Get ready to be smitten by this lovable chess piece.
  • Defector, source : private property.

  • Frost Knight: Brace yourself for a chilly dose of cuteness with Frost Knight's cute art version. Bangwee's imaginative design brings out the playful side of this formidable warrior, adding a delightful twist to the Auto Chess experience.
  • Frost Knight. source : private property.

    Share Your Suggestions:
    The Auto Chess community is buzzing with excitement for the next chess piece to receive the cute art treatment. Ichsan Marifat invites players to comment below and share their suggestions. Will it be a fierce dragon, a mischievous imp, or a charming fairy? The possibilities are endless, and the community's creativity knows no bounds.

    Conclusion: Ichsan Marifat's cute art version continues to captivate Auto Chess enthusiasts with its irresistible charm. From Sky Breaker to Frost Knight, these lovable chess pieces add an extra layer of delight to the game. As players eagerly await the next transformation, the Auto Chess community comes together to share their imaginative suggestions. Get involved, embrace the cuteness, and let Bangwee's adorable art version enhance your Auto Chess journey.

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