Auto Chess - Chessboard

Description Chessboard

The Auto Chess Chessboard: A Hexagonal Battleground

Think of the Auto Chess chessboard as a hex-shaped battlefield. Instead of squares, you've got hexagons, which offer more movement options for your units. This means you can position them in cooler ways, like avoiding enemy attacks or creating super strong formations.

There are different areas on the board, like the backline where your ranged units can shoot from afar, the midlane where you can do a bit of everything, and the frontline where your tough tanks can soak up damage. Controlling these areas is key to winning.

The board isn't always the same. You can buy new units, level them up, or even sell them to get more gold. This means you have to be ready to change your strategy as the game goes on.

So, next time you're playing Auto Chess, remember that the chessboard isn't just a place to put your units; it's a dynamic battleground where your strategic choices can make or break your game.

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