Auto Chess Cute Version - Part 4

The world of Auto Chess gets even cuter as Ichsan Marifat continues to amaze players with their adorable art version. In Part 4 of their series, they introduce five more chess pieces transformed into lovable characters: Ripper, Phantom Queen, Shining Dragon, Desperado Doctor, and Abyssal Guard. The excitement doesn't end there! Players are invited to share their suggestions for the next chess piece to receive the adorable treatment.
Auto Chess Cute Version - Part 4. source : private property.

Ripper: Experience the cuteness overload as the ferocious Ripper is reimagined in Ichsan Marifat's adorable art style. Prepare to be smitten by this lovable and mischievous chess piece.

Ripper. source : private property.

Phantom Queen: Enchanting and adorable, the Phantom Queen captivates Auto Chess players with Ichsan Marifat's whimsical art rendition. Get ready to be charmed by this mystical and cute character.

Phantom Queen. source : private property.

Shining Dragon: Witness the magic of Auto Chess come to life with the Shining Dragon's cute art version. Ichsan Marifat's attention to detail brings out the playful side of this majestic chess piece.

Shining Dragon. source : private property.

Desperado Doctor: Who knew doctors could be cute? Ichsan Marifat's art transforms the Desperado Doctor into an endearing character, combining medical expertise with undeniable cuteness.

Desperado Doctor. source : private property.

Abyssal Guard: Dive into the depths of cuteness with the Abyssal Guard's adorable art version. Ichsan Marifat's imaginative design adds charm and whimsy to this formidable chess piece.

Abysal Guard. source : private property.

Share Your Suggestions:
The Auto Chess community eagerly awaits the next chess piece to receive the cute art treatment. Ichsan Marifat invites players to comment below and share their suggestions. Will it be a mythical creature, a legendary hero, or an adorable critter? Join the discussion and let your creativity flow.

Ichsan Marifat's adorable art version continues to enchant Auto Chess players with its irresistible charm. From Ripper to Abyssal Guard, these lovable chess pieces add an extra layer of delight to the game. As the community eagerly awaits the next transformation, the Auto Chess enthusiasts come together to share their imaginative suggestions. Embrace the cuteness and let Ichsan Marifat's art version enhance your Auto Chess journey.

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