My Dengue Fever Experience and Supernatural Encounters at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

On February 8, 2020, I fell ill in Singapore. I had a high fever for about three days beforehand, and I recovered for one day. However, the next day, I was sick again and found it very difficult to even walk to the bathroom.

Finally, I had the courage to be taken to the hospital. When I arrived, I didn't remember anything at all. The only thing I remember is arriving, sleeping in an emergency bed, having my blood taken and having blood put into my body. I woke up in the afternoon and immediately had an X-ray, then I was transferred to the hospital ward. I was in Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.

I rested in my hospital bed. source : private property

I was in the hospital for five days, and the disease was dengue fever. I remember that my blood platelets at the time were 7,000. I couldn't get out of bed on the first day, but I had to pee and asked the nurse to help me. I went to the bathroom, and she got angry with the doctor, saying, "If he falls, he will have a brain concussion because his body won't be stable." I'm really sorry that happened.

During a recent hospitalization in Singapore, I was suspected of having COVID-19 along with other patients due to a shared symptom of fever. Source : private property.

I needed to get out of the hospital quickly, and I was given FU FANG E JIAO JIANG. This made my platelets rise drastically to 15,000 on the second day, and by the third day, my platelets had risen to 45,000. This allowed me to leave the hospital quickly. The doctor asked me almost every day if I had drunk or done anything because the platelet growth was so fast.

Supernatural Encounters at the Hospital

During my time in the hospital, I had some strange and unexplained experiences. One day, there was an old man in front of my bed who could see supernatural things. At one point, he needed to be told to sleep, but he kept waking up and walking around. The nurse immediately chased him and tied him to the bed and gave him anesthesia. However, he was still able to get out of bed and the bonds were released from his body.

If you turn around, you will see the man in question. source : private property

On another occasion, I saw a white figure standing at the foot of my bed. It was a woman with long hair and a white dress. She was staring at me, and I felt a chill run down my spine. I quickly closed my eyes and tried to forget about it, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was still there.

I also heard strange noises at night, such as footsteps and whispers. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see shadows moving in the corners of the room. I was starting to feel scared and alone.

One night, I woke up to find a black figure standing at the end of my bed. It was tall and thin, and it was wearing a long black coat. It was staring at me with its empty eyes. I screamed, and the figure disappeared.

After that, I was too scared to sleep. I just lay in bed, listening to the strange noises and waiting for the sun to come up.

I don't know what to make of these experiences. I'm not sure if they were real or if they were just hallucinations caused by my fever and medication. But, whatever they were, they were very real to me.

My experience with dengue fever and the supernatural at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital was a truly unique one. I'm still not sure what to make of everything that happened, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my story.

If you're ever in the hospital, keep an open mind. You may just experience something strange and unexplained. But don't worry, the doctors and nurses are there to take care of you.

And if you do see a white figure at the foot of your bed, just close your eyes and try to forget about it. She'll probably go away if you ignore her.

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