How to unprotect the excel sheet

In the world of Excel, where data holds immense value, protecting your spreadsheets is crucial. Imagine the consequences if sensitive information or critical formulas were accidentally altered or deleted. This is where protected sheets come into play, acting as a guardian angel for your Excel workbooks.

excel. source :

A protected sheet in Excel is a feature that restricts unauthorized modifications to the contents of a worksheet. By enabling protection, you can prevent others from making changes to cells, formulas, formatting, or even inserting or deleting rows and columns. This ensures the integrity of your data and protects your work from unintentional or malicious alterations.

but today we are talking about How To Unprotect The Excel Sheet to open it.

If you are using Excel 2010 or older, you can unlock a sheet with a password with the following steps:
  • Open your Excel document and switch to the password-protected sheet. You can do it by clicking on the file icon, it will open a list of options, select the info tab and click on the protect workbook.(it should be active when you run the code).
  • Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Right-click the workbook name on the left pane (Project-VBAProject pane) and select Insert > Module from the context menu.
In the window that appears, paste in the following code:

    Option Explicit
Sub GetPass()
    Const a = 65, b = 66, c = 32, d = 126
    Dim i#, j#, k#, l#, m#, n#, o#, p#, q#, r#, s#, t#
    With ActiveSheet
        If .ProtectContents Then
            On Error Resume Next
            For i = a To b
                For j = a To b
                    For k = a To b
                        For l = a To b
                            For m = a To b
                                For n = a To b
                                    For o = a To b
                                        For p = a To b
                                            For q = a To b
                                                For r = a To b
                                                    For s = a To b
                                                        For t = c To d
            .Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & _
            Chr(n) & Chr(o) & Chr(p) & Chr(q) & Chr(r) & Chr(s) & Chr(t)
                                                        Next t
                                                    Next s
                                                Next r
                                            Next q
                                        Next p
                                    Next o
                                Next n
                            Next m
                        Next l
                    Next k
                Next j
            Next i
            MsgBox "Finished"
        End If
    End With
End Sub
notes : please just use this code for you're own spreadsheet / excel

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